Builtech – the fastest growing AUCTUS buy-and-build platform

Now with a new financing structure for further growth

Anyone who has recognized decarbonization as a long-term trend knows that 1/3 of global CO2 emissions are attributable to the building sector. This is more than the entire transportation sector (automobile, airplane, ship, rail) combined. Within the building sector, 75% of emissions are not generated during the construction of buildings or the production of bricks and cement, but during operation and are largely attributable to the heating and cooling of buildings during operation. In Germany, which already has a very saturated real estate stock, 90% of all buildings that already exist in 2023 will still exist in 2050 and will therefore inevitably have to be “upgraded” in order to realize the building turnaround.

With its 360° expertise in technical building equipment (TGA), the Builtech Group is not only right at the center of this long-term growth market, but also the fastest growing buy-and-build platform in Germany. Since 2018, the Group has grown both organically (~10% p.a.) and inorganically to an annual total output of more than €350 million with stable margins.

A significant milestone was reached this year in order to drive this growth forward in the long term. Under the leadership of Kreissparkasse Heilbronn and a consortium of savings banks and other financing partners, the Group’s entire financing was centralized and thus optimally aligned with the Group’s further growth. Due to the great success in the implementation of succession solutions, the strengthening of the companies through dedicated personnel recruitment and development concepts and the integration into a holistic provider of TGA services, the banks have also provided Builtech with additional funds in the high double-digit million range for further acquisitions.

More information about the group at www.builtech.de

Informazioni su Auctus

Con oltre 420 investimenti negli ultimi 23 anni, AUCTUS è la società di investimento più attiva per le PMI europee. I nostri investimenti si concentrano su partecipazioni di maggioranza in aziende con un fatturato annuo compreso tra 10 e 150 milioni di euro.

AUCTUS è sinonimo di crescita organica sostenibile, ma anche di crescita inorganica attraverso le acquisizioni. Raggiungiamo questo obiettivo grazie a una partnership di fiducia con i dirigenti delle nostre aziende. Siamo specializzati nella creazione di gruppi di aziende di medie dimensioni di successo: creiamo leader di mercato. Gli oltre 35 esperti di investimenti di AUCTUS gestiscono attualmente 50 piattaforme di investimento in diversi settori economici. L'insieme delle partecipazioni della piattaforma, con un totale di oltre 200 singole aziende, genera un fatturato annuo di 3 miliardi di euro. >Le vendite e gli utili sono cresciuti del 10% all'anno per anni.

Il nostro lavoro di successo viene regolarmente premiato con prestigiosi riconoscimenti e classifiche internazionali.

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