After a 4-year investment phase, AUCTUS sells the portfolio company Profiltubi S.P.A.

AUCTUS completes exit of Profiltubi S.p.A. after 4 years of investment

AUCTUS announces the exit of the Italian Profiltubi Group including O.M.V Ventura to the Eusider Group, a new strategic partner. Profiltubi is a major player on the Italian market in the production and distribution of welded carbon steel tubes with a consolidated turnover of over 100 million euros.

The Profiltubi Group , based in Reggiolo, Italy, has been active in the steel industry for 50 years and specializes in the production of electrically welded carbon steel tubes in various shapes and sizes. Since the majority shareholding in 2020, AUCTUS, together with CEO Giorgio Figerio and some members of the Alfieri family, has supported the further business development of Profiltubi, promoted the transformation to a modern management and established a targeted M&A strategy, which resulted in the acquisition of 100 percent of O.M.V. Ventura in 2021.

The Eusider Group is headquartered in Costamasnaga, Italy, and is owned by the second generation of the Anghileri family. Eusider is a leading Italian service nucleus within the metal processing industry and employs 900 people at 10 branches and 15 production sites, producing around 1.3 million tons of steel. The Group generated sales of EUR 1.2 billion and EBITDA of 10.6% in 2022.

“We are confident that with Eusider as a partner, Profiltubi is in an excellent position to generate further growth and continue on its path as market leader within the steel tube industry.”

Dr. Nicolas Himmelmann, Managing Partner di AUCTUS

“Profiltubi should be seen as a prime example of a successful partnership between Italian entrepreneurial families and private equity investors, which makes it possible to consolidate the core competencies and know-how of a company and at the same time pave the way for its future development and continued existence.”

Marco Bortot, Head of AUCTUS Italy

Giorgio Frigerio, who will continue to be responsible for the Profiltubi Group as CEO, explained: “I am really delighted – also on behalf of all Profiltubi and OMV employees – to have Eusider as a new partner and thus the opportunity to further develop our segment significantly. In recent years, AUCTUS has not only been a reliable and professional financial investor, but above all a partner with a clear and distinctly entrepreneurial mindset.

The sellers were supported by ADVANT Nctm (Michele Motta, Giovanni de’ Capitani di Vimercate, Lucilla Casati, and Vittoria Belcuore) as legal counsel.

On the part of AUCTUS, the transaction was managed and executed by Dr. Nicolas Himmelmann, Marco Bortot and Luca Astarita.

Informazioni su Auctus

Con oltre 420 investimenti negli ultimi 23 anni, AUCTUS Ăš la societĂ  di investimento piĂč attiva per le PMI europee. I nostri investimenti si concentrano su partecipazioni di maggioranza in aziende con un fatturato annuo compreso tra 10 e 150 milioni di euro.

AUCTUS Ăš sinonimo di crescita organica sostenibile, ma anche di crescita inorganica attraverso le acquisizioni. Raggiungiamo questo obiettivo grazie a una partnership di fiducia con i dirigenti delle nostre aziende. Siamo specializzati nella creazione di gruppi di aziende di medie dimensioni di successo: creiamo leader di mercato. Gli oltre 35 esperti di investimenti di AUCTUS gestiscono attualmente 50 piattaforme di investimento in diversi settori economici. L'insieme delle partecipazioni della piattaforma, con un totale di oltre 200 singole aziende, genera un fatturato annuo di 3 miliardi di euro. >Le vendite e gli utili sono cresciuti del 10% all'anno per anni.

Il nostro lavoro di successo viene regolarmente premiato con prestigiosi riconoscimenti e classifiche internazionali.

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